Nā Kama Kai (NKK) Safety Guidelines for all participants:

  1. No glass containers allowed during ocean clinics
  2. Smoking is not allowed within 100 ft of official NKK activities
  3. No diving is allowed off of NKK equipment
  4. Provocative clothing such as thong swimwear or visible undergarments are not allowed
  5. All clothing must be appropriate for use in at NKK ocean clinics and activities
  6. NKK has the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime
  7. Staff, participants or any person attending NKK activates may not display anything that contains obscene, foul, or profane, pictures symbols phrases, etc.
  8. No loitering, unruly behavior or profanity is allowed
  9. No alcohol or illegal drugs may be brought to NKK clinics
  10. Public intoxication, unlawful drug use, vandalism, or any other violation of City, County, State, Federal, or NKK rules will result in ejection from the NKK activity being conducted
  11. Know your own physical ability and determine if you or your keiki should participate
  12. Some activity stations may be halted at the discretion of the NKK staff
  13. NKK height requirements for NKK clinic participation mandate that all keiki less that 42” tall must wear a PFD during all water activities
  14. Some activities could be strenuous or turbulent and should not be attended if the participant is pregnant, has a heart condition, or respiratory problems, neck or back problems, or physical limitations (exceptions are made under special circumstances and full consent of parents), or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  15. All keiki (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by an adult or be given parental permission.  NKK does not assume responsibility for unattended minors
  16. It is the parent’s responsibility to watch your child(ren) during NKK activities.
  17. Participant must obey all signs, clinic staff, and instruction while attending in the activities of a NKK event
  18. Families attending the clinics assume a certain level of liability (signed waver) and are responsible for the safety of the family members
  19. By participating in the clinics parents give NKK permission to photograph or video tape the keiki, or other family members.  NKK may use the video or photographs without compensation
  20. NKK shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of vehicles, theft, or damage to personal property

Join the Nā Kama Kai Hui

  • Monthly Newsletter including recent highlights and notifications of Nā Kama Kai’s special events and activities
  • Knowledge that you are advocating Nā Kama Kai’s efforts in connecting our keiki with the kai (ocean) and nurturing a deep sense of aloha and kuleana

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